Sunday, July 30, 2017

Why Should I floss my teeth?

Most of the dental workers will tell you to floss every day.
Then you heard on the media that the benefits of flossing is not proven.

Many people think, it is very time consuming. some people told me it is very hard to floss the back teeth.
I am a firm believer of flossing.
Can your brush can reach the space between the teeth? If you have nicely aligned tooth, brush is not going to reach the inter-dental space. The tiny food particles will stay in that small space.  That will cause cavities between teeth.
Think of the place where gums and tooth meet. Bush will not reach there. The plaque accumulate that area will cause gingivitis, ie. inflammation of the gums. Untreated gingivitis will cause bone loss and eventually tooth will fall off. Gingivitis is the main cause of bad breath.

The solution:  floss every day. Floss is designed to go between the teeth and go a little below the gum level to remove food and plaque.
By flossing everyday, you are reducing your dental costs too. If there is no cavity, no need for fillings. You can even reduce the number of annual dental cleaning visits.

After doing it for about a month, flossing will become easy for you. Then it will not be a time consuming process.

So start your new habit of flossing.

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